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宋徽宗赵佶(1082年11月2日-1135年6月4日),号宣和主人,宋朝第八位皇帝(1100年2月23日-1126年1月18日在位),书画家。宋神宗第十一子、宋哲宗之弟。先后被封为遂宁王、端王。 哲宗于元符三年(1100年)正月病逝时无子,太后向氏于同月立赵佶为帝,次年改年号“建中靖国”。

宋徽宗即位之后启用新法,但是宋徽宗重用的蔡京等打着绍述新法的旗号,无恶不作,政治形势一落千丈。过分追求奢侈生活,在南方采办“花石纲”,在汴京修建“艮岳”。宋徽宗尊信道教,大建宫观,自称“教主道君皇帝”, 并经常请道士看相算。重和元年(1118年),置道官二十六等、道职八等。宣和三年(1121年),令三京置女道录、副道录各一员,始立道学制度。在宋徽宗集团的腐朽统治下,内部农民起义风起云涌,宋江起义和方腊起义先后爆发,北宋统治危机四伏。但是宋徽宗在艺术上的造诣极高。宋徽宗对绘画的爱好十分真挚,他利用皇权推动绘画,使宋代的绘画艺术有了空前发展。 他还自创一种书法字体被后人称之为“瘦金体”,他热爱画花鸟画自成“院体”。是古代少有的艺术型皇帝。









英文翻译:Zhao Ji (November 2, 1082 -- June 4, 1135), the eighth emperor of the Song Dynasty (February 23, 1100 -- January 18, 1126), was a painter and calligrapher. The 11th son of Song Shenzong and the younger brother of Song Zhezong. He was successively named king of Suining and Duanwang. When Zhe Zong died of illness in the first month of the third year of Yuanfu (1100), he was childless. The empress Dowager Xiang named Zhao Ji emperor in the same month and changed the title jianzhong Yasukuni the following year.

After Emperor Huizong of The Song Dynasty ascended the throne, the new law was introduced, but CAI Jing, who was promoted by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, committed all kinds of crimes under the banner of introducing the new law, and the political situation plummeted. Excessive pursuit of luxury life, in the south to acquire "hua Shi Gang", in bianjing to build "Gen Yue". Emperor Huizong of Song dynasty respected the religion and built a palace, claiming to be the "Taoist emperor", and often asked the Taoist priest to look at the calculation. In the first year of Chonghe (1118), there were 26 and 8 Taoist officials. In the third year of Xuanhe (1121), a female daolu and a deputy Daolu were set up in sanjing, starting the Daoism system. Under the corrupt rule of Huizong group of Song Dynasty, the internal peasant uprisings broke out successively, and the northern Song dynasty was beset with crises. But Emperor Huizong of the Song dynasty was highly accomplished in art. Emperor Huizong of Song dynasty was very sincere in his love of painting. He used the imperial power to promote painting, which made the painting art of Song Dynasty have unprecedented development. He also created a calligraphy font called "thin gold style" by later generations. He loved painting flowers and birds and became "courtyard style". He was a rare artistic emperor in ancient times.

Painting of Crane in Calligraphy by Emperor Huizong of song Dynasty

The treasure seal of "Son of heaven in ancient Times" is the imperial seal inscription of Emperor Qianlong in qing Dynasty. Seals are commonly seen on paintings and calligraphy in the Palace Museum's collection. The imperial Palace of the Qing Dynasty kept varied seals of the same type. These seals are kept in the Palace Museum in Beijing and the Palace Museum in Taipei.

Since the Ming Dynasty, emperors in various dynasties, whether arty or out of hobby, seem to have been interested in seals. After dealing with political affairs, playing taste, can yet be regarded as a kind of elegant enjoyment. The seals of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty all had seals, and qianlong emperor's seals recorded in treasure Serval were more than 1000 square!

This is due to the use of cinnabar mineral pigment in ancient times, even if it is soaked in rain, it will not fade. It is a precious seal pigment. This painting was painted by Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty and inscribed by the emperor, which is of great significance.

1. Symbolizing longevity and prosperity, crane is the noblest bird among birds, representing longevity, wealth, and health and longevity. In the legend, the crane is a kind of fairy bird. According to the notes on The Ancient and Modern Times of Qibao, "the crane turns pale in a thousand years and black in another two thousand years, so called xuanhe." This shows how long the ancient people thought cranes lived. So cranes are often considered to have the longest life among birds...

2. Crane: In ancient legend, the crane is a fairy bird, and god rides the crane to heaven. There is also a saying that the crane lives for a thousand years. Meaning prolong life. Crane is known as a bird, and the meaning of a product in the dynasty or a higher product. It is a symbol of auspicious longevity among birds. Therefore, in imperial times, cranes were used as a bird in various decorations with officials of comparable rank.

Above cranes here claborate-style painting, clairvoyant feeling is very strong, with a strong stereo feeling, the figure USES the many kinds of mineral grinding stones into a powder and ink, as a pigment, theory of the pigment value alone, at that time is a significant spending, ordinary painter difficult to achieve, and bei song as the king of the country, at the time of the dean, also only in the best, The painting can only be used when it is at its peak. This painting can no longer be measured by money. It is perfect in appearance, rare in existence and of inestimable collection value.